Friday, March 19, 2010

Mommy School

I have been doing Mommy and 'E' school for a while now. My 4 year old loves it! Now that my daughter is 2, she's been joining us, too. Since I'm an organizational freak, I plan out my curriculum for months in advance. I usually have a theme for each month. We recently did a section on recycling. We made our own paper and even included seeds in the paper. We plan to 'plant' the paper and hope to see some flowers grow!

We also did these little dump trucks. I was surprised at how much the kids loved it! This one is my daughters and was made from a half and half container. We made one for my son using a milk carton. I found the idea at here.

Recently we traced each kids body and then I let them go to town coloring them.  We call them 'flat E' and 'flat M'.  (E and M are their first initials, we actually call them 'flat {insert kids name}).  I got the paper from the Dollar Tree.  It's just the back side of some brown wrapping paper.Posted by Picasa
Then we talked about dressing themselves.  Both my kids are great at dressing themselves (though I will admit it't not at all uncommon for one of them, especially the 2 year old, to have something on backwards!), but we made if fun by letting them place their clothes on their 'flat' people.  My 4 year old totally got it and did great.  I think my 2 y.o. was a bit confused.  She started trying to put the clothes on herself even though she was already dressed!
I got this idea from a book called 'Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready' by June Oberlander
This is a neat book that has simple ideas for learning activities for kids.  It has one activity for each week from birth until age 5.  They're all easy activities that can generally be done with things from around the house.
I love doing school with my kids!  It provides us with some fun activities together and I love taking an active role in their education.
So, to you other mommy's, what kind of things do you do with your kids to teach them?


6L's said...

you're amazing! i am lame...i do nothing. :(

elaine said...

It is so much fun to do these activities with the little ones. They love learning and especially from the best teacher around, their mom! I had a text book in one of my Child Development classes in college that was titled "Parents are Teachers". So true! Keep up the good work.

Emilee said...

Have you heard of Allison provides mommy and me packets. They are awesome! I'm addicted to her blog as well.
